These settings can be changed once you have registered.
Note! By clicking Register, you accept the privacy policy, in particular that we start using a session cookie and store information about you.
Once you have registered, you will receive an email that is required to activate your account.
Member representative
If you represent a member, please select the member name in the drop down. Once you have activated your account, your request will be forwarded to the main contact for your company, who has to approve it and decide what access you will be granted.
Previous member representative
If you represent a previous member, you will need to update the member's information. Next you will be contacted by the directors in order to sign the current agreements. Following that, an invoice will be issued. Once it has been paid in full, your member organisation will be re-activated and users can be re-activated or sign up.
New member
If you are trying to register a new member, you will be required to complete a member's information form. Next you will be contacted by the directors in order to complete the registration process.
Vendor code
If you are requesting a vendor code, you will be required to complete an information form. Next you will be contacted by the directors in order to complete the registration process.
Are you a 'lost' member?
If you are not receiving notices of meetings or invoices for
your annual membership dues, or have no password to the
Member's website, please email:
Can we join the group?
The Group has a continuing responsibility to maintain and
update our standards. We welcome application from network
operators and companies manufacturing equipment embodying the
We also have an Ancillary Equipment sup-group that
manufacturers of cables, connectors and other associated products
are welcome to join.
Register for a user account representing a
new member account and then complete the application process.
Current work items
The main work items are now AISG v3.0.
Vendor Codes
The AISG standard uses a Vendor Code as a part of a unique
identity for all antenna line products. If your company
manufactures antenna line products please contact the secretariat
for information about recieving your unique Vendor ID and
joining AISG. You can view a list of all vendor codes
is a list of currently specified AISG v2 device types.